Justin Ponmany (b.1974) received his BFA in Painting from Sir J.J. School of Art, Mumbai. He filters through the human sensorium, riddling materiality, arid humour and alchemy to consider deep questions. In the early 2000’s, Ponmany held up an ‘analog interactive’ sans sensors or clicks, exploring optics and lens based phenomena. It involved myriad quotidian material, namely security holograms, that pervade currency and merchandise, examining the perpetration of ‘value’ alongside verity. A noticeable shift from the default unilateral telling of a lens, as may be perceived, to an ocular understanding nearer to an out of body, extra-terrestrial mapping, sometimes just presented as a view from the south. They may ask questions of psycholinguistics, positions in reading, but is not shy to ask of art; what is a photo or a drawing? or to whom it may belong? The following decade this trajectory has witnessed a widening public interface, seeking realms on the fringes of the aegis of white cube indoctrinations. He has worked in both public and private spaces and has collaborated with Alt Space Loop, Seoul, Khoj, Delhi, The Kadist Art Foundation, Paris, Mumbai art room, Bombay, Clark House, Bombay, Kunst Museum, Bern, Gwangju Biennale hall, Gwangju, ZKM Museum, Karlsruhe, Kochi Muziris Biennale among others to realise his works.
'Tiles sculpture' (front) | 12 x 12 x 11 in | Edition of 3 + 2 AP
'Archaic Ease' (2011) | Light box with a colour print | 36 x 48 in | Edition 1/5 + 2 APs
'Tiles sculpture' (back) | 12 x 12 x 11 in | Edition of 3 + 2 AP